GENERATIONS Copyright (C) 1997 by Not Nice Music II. A COLLECTION OF OBSCURITY by Edwin M. Drogin 54. For Beauty And who am I to care for beauty? Enough to care. And Truth? To care for beauty is to care for truth. And Good? ...and good. Even forsaken, do not forget. When a mind seeks, a body's fluttering moment is for nought. Only found when truly found, even if to seek forever. Transient pleasures are so inconsequential when compared to such a search. Foregoing takes nothing but this, truly perceived. In the warm smooth sweep of a woman's breast is a clue. Seek on. In the gracious curve of a back, a sign. Seek on, if you can. Velvet lips and satin thighs. Seek on. The road is steeper and less travelled. The high vault of a clear mind. Compassion and gentleness. On the road at last. Beauty in sparkling eyes. Pure grace The first summit. Beauty in a curve of metal and glass. Books. Mountains. The swooping flight of a swallow. Beauty is... Many things not seeable Many things only missed Many things, including animal, but not wholly animal, including mind, but not wholly mind, and eyes, and ears. And beauty is more than any other thing. No better desire, no more pleasurable fulfillment. Seek on. No nobler search.